What types of people do you have trouble getting along with?
"What types of people do you have trouble getting along with?"Even if you believe you get along with everyone, the interviewer will not believe you so don't say that you do. I recommend thinking about a type of person that is a bad worker. Use that person as an example and then explain what you do to put effort into the troubled relationship. Short Answers"I get along with almost everybody, but I tend to get frustrated at people who always say yes and end up not delivering. I expect honesty and integrity, and saying yes should mean yes.""I'm very understanding of different people and different work styles, but I have a hard time with people who only do work that is seen by management. There's so much work that needs to be done and not everything is seen by the manager. So I get upset when work is neglected."Long Answers"I get along with almost everyone, but I think I have the hardest time tolerating people who think they're always right. Not everything is black and white and many times there are multiple ways of doing something. In my last group, I had a coworker that believed his way was the correct way. That's fine, but when you try to explain another view point, he doesn't listen, starts to talk louder and he begins to think it's a debate. I avoided him for a while, but realized I should put in an effort to deal with his personality."For a follow up question, the interviewer can ask you what you did in this situation. Here is an example of dealing with this type of person. "Basically, I had to change the way I talked to him. I was very careful with my words and always said something like, 'that's a great idea, but could we add this to it' or 'I definitely agree with you, but can I get your opinion on this method.' To tell you the truth, I would rather not deal with a person like that, but I thought the right thing to do was find a way to deal with him so that is what I did."The reason why it is acceptable to say you have a difficult time dealing with people like this is because everyone will have a hard time dealing with this type of person. So it doesn't make you look bad because you can't get along with this person, however, this is a good answer because it shows taking initiative to correct the relationship.
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