If you don't understand your assignment and you can't reach your boss, what would you do?
"If you don't understand your assignment and you can't reach your boss, what would you do?"This question is seeing how you react to ambiguous situations. Also it checks to see how resourceful you are. The best way to answer this question is to provide step by step actions you would take in this situation. Short Answers"I would investigate the assignment deeper by searching for more information, asking coworkers or other managers and make the smartest decision on how to tackle the assignment.""There are many places I can look for clarity. I would look through some books, or the Internet, or my peers, or even other managers. If I try to look for answers, most of the time I can find them.""I would first see what the deadline is and if my manager will be back before the deadline. If not, then I would leave a message on my managers phone. Afterwards, I would ask my peers or other managers to see if they know the assignment. I believe investigating the assignment further will help me understand it."Long Answer"First, I would read the assignment again thoroughly to see if I missed a clue or anything. I could even turn to the Internet and look up other documentation if it was something like a difficult process I didn't know. After investigating this assignment, and I still don't understand it, then I could turn to my peers and see if anyone has done an assignment similar to the one I received. If my peers do not know either, then I could ask my boss's manager and verify with him. After exhausting these options, then I would have to make a decision on how to do the assignment and make the best decision I can on how to tackle the assignment. Before engaging in the assignment, I would leave a message on my boss's cell phone."There might be a better answer, but in my experience many interviewers are looking for a process of reaching a goal. In this example, it shows each step from beginning to end. Feel free to add or change these steps after thinking about it.
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