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Smoking - Quitting and General Statements
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If you are in a hotel getting a room, the clerk might ask you,
Would you like a smoking room or a non-smoking room?
If you hate the smell of smoke and they do not ask, you can verify what type of room it is by asking,
Can you make sure it's a non-smoking room?
Is this going to be a non-smoking room?
While smoking, you will sometimes talk about smoking. If that's the case, you can ask these types of questions.
How long have you been smoking?
Have you been smoking long?
Have you ever tried to quit smoking?
Comments you can say while smoking with someone
Smoking is so bad, but it feels so good.
I've been smoking for 10 years.
I tried to quit a couple of times. It's really hard.
I heard some comments from some people justifying cigarette smoking
There was a 90 year old man who smokes one pack a day and drinks one bottle of Soju a day and he is very healthy. He's been doing it for over 60 years.
I only smoke when I'm with friends.
I only smoke when I'm drinking.
I can quit anytime I want. There is just no need to right now.
The best way to quit is cold turkey.
Cold turkey is a terminology used to completely stop without any help with things such as nicotine gum or nicotine patches.
There are a lot of aids to help you stop smoking. I heard hypnosis is pretty good.
I quit for 3 months last year. I used the patch to help stop the cravings.
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