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Purchasing a Home

arrow Listen There are many things you need to know when buying a home. This lesson will cover the steps you should know to make the best decision when buying a home. Here is a brief outline of what this lesson and the following lessons on this subject will cover.

arrow Listen 1. Determining the price range of the house you want to buy
2. What area you want to live in and what type of housing you want to buy
3. Finding an agent
4. Looking at and evaluating each house
5. Making an offer
6. Getting a mortgage
7. Refinancing your home

arrow Listen Buying a home can actually be an easy process, but if you do not do your homework and learn about it, you will probably be buying a home you are not satisfied with, or you might be paying too much money. Take this time to study this material to learn the home buying process in the United States.

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