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Mortgages - Eighty Twenty Loan

arrow Listen Another popular loan type I would like to mention is a method of not having any money for down payment while not having to pay PMI. To tell you the truth, I am not a fan of this type of loan, but looking at the statistics indicate that there are many people who do this loan.

arrow Listen The loan I am talking about is called the eighty twenty loan. This means that you are going to take out two loans. The first loan will be eighty percent of the loan amount, while the second loan will be the remainder. As you can tell, since the first loan is only 80% of the loan amount, it appears that the down payment amount is 20%. As I said earlier, having 20% or more in down payment waives you from having to obtain PMI. This allows many people to have no money down and buy a house without having to pay PMI.

arrow Listen What they don't realize is that the interest rate of the second loan is much higher than the standard rate. For example, if your first loan was at 6%, then the second loan could be at 8%. So depending on the amount of the second loan, you might be paying more in interest than the cost of having PMI. There are many other pros and cons of this type of loan, and if you are interested, I recommend looking deeper into it.

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